Career opportunities outside of management consulting
Are you exploring career options post your time in consulting? Our firm is organised into several recruiting practices that specialise in finding candidates based on their function. Our Strategy Practice successfully placed several Management Consultants into interesting and diverse roles. [...]
Why Money Matters: First Salary
We’ve all had the advice that we should be okay with the salary of our first job. After all, we’re simply trying to gain experience and get onto the career ladder. And whilst this may still be true for individuals [...]
Working Moms: The Constant Juggle
Social media has been filled with posts recognising women in the workplace. Often more so, around the wake of International Women's Day, and whilst in South Africa, our praise for our female colleagues is usually reserved for August to coincide [...]
Chief of Staff / Head of Strategy: Dream job or dead-end role?
The pace of change and the competitive nature of business today demands that organisations focus on developing and implementing strategic imperatives, adapting in real-time to operational and environmental realities to succeed. And this has led to the creation of dedicated [...]
Taking charge of your salary negotiation
Recently there has been a renewed call for pay transparency, particularly regarding Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value as required by the Employment Equity Act. In addition, several calls have been made to enforce bans on calls by employers [...]
The candidate Journey, not the recruitment process, is paramount
Too much time goes into the nuts and bolts of the recruitment process, with a significant emphasis on cost-cutting and the use of technology, and too little into understanding what it feels like for a candidate to walk that journey. [...]
AQ: The Power of Resilience
Throughout my career as a recruiter, I’ve worked with organisations whose recruitment processes are designed to understand how potential employees think. Whether it’s a series of intensive interviews, a battery of psychometric tests or the typical case study process within [...]
AI Translators Wanted
We're reminded daily about the increasing role that Artificial Intelligence plays in business, the collection of data recognised as a critical tool to ensure competitiveness and real-time responses to customer needs. And companies have been on the hunt for data [...]